The past weekend (18 & 19 April 2015), Kouzon Corporation was on a road-show to Varna, Bulgaria and the surrounding area to present the opportunities for cruise-ship employment to around one hundred interested candidates there.

Also, Kouzon’s recruiters in Varna were available to interview more than 60 candidates who came to the presentation prepared to apply for work at one of the cruise-ship companies Kouzon represents.

Kouzon Corporation successfully selected the eligible candidates which will have the opportunity to have an interview with the cruise-ship company of their choice in the next few weeks.

Kouzon will continue to increasingly recruit Bulgarian candidates in the future, so if you have a Bulgarian passport and are interested to know more about launching or continuing your cruise-ship career with us, please email us your CV in English to [email protected] TODAY!

Live your dream with Kouzon! www.kouzon.com.mk